Sunday, February 6, 2011


So it's been a while since I posted. I've been crazy busy. Bouncing between 2 jobs in two cities and managing my time to see friends and such is hard.

The last couple weeks have been mmm... not so great. Not terrible, but not as good as they could have been. Last week (as Amy mentioned) I only lost about half a pound. I wasn't discouraged though, because I knew I deserved that. I was eating things that weren't the healthiest, but not in abundance. So staying even wasn't that big of a shock. I was much better this week.

One of my biggest problems, and I think I've mentioned this, is that I'm a VERY picky eater. I know what I like and I try to stick with those thing. But lately I've been trying to be less critical of my food. For instance, a couple weeks back I was at the office and my friends came back with mexican food for everyone. I'm not a fan, but I didn't really want to go out alone to get something else, so I tried some. I thought about picking out the peppers and onions (I did a little for those I won't lie) but in the end I just ignored them, and honestly they weren't that bad! I only had like 3 little taco's about the size of my pointer finger, but still, rather delicious. Also a on Friday night I went to this special thing they have in Toronto called Winterlicious. I ordered a salad thinking I could pick out the tomato's but it turns out said salad was basically 3 tomatos and a couple leaves. I didn't like it, but the point is I tried a couple pieces before I traded someone for their garden salad. So yeah, I'm really trying to be more adventurous with my food. Its working well for me.

Anyway, I'm down over 3 pounds this week! Thats my biggest drop so far. I'm quite proud of myself. On the other hand, I think it could have been better. Yesterday on my way home from Toronto, to pay my mom back for picking me up, I took her out for lunch. There was a huge line up at Cora's so we ened up going to Pizza Hut (there was NO ONE there). Needless to say I didn't really behave myself, as it's impossible to do so at Pizza Hut. So I added a $1 to my cheat pot. Only one because I was actually full enough that I didn't eat anything other than a bit of popcorn at the movie last night. So I don't really know if I went over my calorie limit in the end. Oh well.

Oh! And I might also be doing some (not a lot) of Hot Yoga when I go up to Toronto. My friend is doing a 30 day Hot Yoga challenge (she's nuts I know) and she wants me to come along. It actually really nice. All my co-workers and friends are on a get fit train of thought right now too. Its making it easier :) I'm looking forward to doing some though, and I don't even like yoga that much.

Anyway, my cheat day is coming up on Wednesday. Its a pub night for the program I took in college and a bunch of my friends/co-workers are going to invade it. Hahaha, I always seem to save my cheat days for days I plan to drink in abundance, lol. I'm excited to get trashed though.

Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AMY!!!! Even though I'm a twatface who missed your party, I hope you had a good time both nights and are have an especially great birthday today!

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