So I just failed hard and ate chips. So there's a $1 in my pot. :/
To be fair, I wasn't going to eat said chips. I had counted out some crackers for a light snack, keeping it so it was a low calorie number. Bit into one and I guess it was bad. It was kinda mushie and it tasted aweful. I had to eat something to get that taste out and what can I say? I needed my salty.
But other than that I'm doing well. I'm back on the no pop, strictly water phase. I did this last year did really well until like... 3 months ago. So that shouldn't be too hard. I have some nice flavoured water to give me variety too. I'm finding it really easy to drink more than 8 cups a day. :)
I'm also trying to stock up healthier snacks. Its difficult for me. I much prefer saltier foods, and I don't find that there's a whole lot of salty snack food... other than chips and crackers. Both of which caused tonights failure. But I did get some Special K Strawberry granola bars. I'll have to out shopping with my mom sometime to find more.
I realised today that I'm going to struggle with the fast food rule. When I head to my internship in Toronto, we always go out for lunch. Hopefully I can find a place with some healthier food like salads. I'm heading up there on Thursdays. I guess we'll see.
As for excersize I haven't been able to do any the last few days (unless you count climbing the stairs at work a bunch of times). But I plan to do some Kenpo tomorrow, and some Pilates on Wednesday. I also do a lot of walking on Thursdays and Fridays. So I should be good to get exercise this week. I'm gonna try and set out a schedule that works well for me. :)
I was thinking about looking into taking Tai Chi. I've been wanting to do it for a little over a year now but I haven't had time or anyone to go with. But I really want to do it. I'll see when the next session starts and maybe convince my mom to go with me.
Well, that's all for me!
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